Monday, August 30, 2010

The First Day of School

Today the girls went back to school. They were excited and Keegan thought he was riding the bus with him...boy it wasn't a good scene at the bus stop when they got on and he wasn't allowed to. He threw his toy bus and train and ran down the sidewalk toward the house. He continued to scream and cry for about 10 minutes. He kicked the door, he ran into the bathroom and slammed the door shut (for some reason he has chosen the bathroom as the room he goes in when he's mad). He starts school the Wednesday after Labor Day...between him saying "crap" all the time and his temper, the teachers are just going to love him!! :)

The girls both wore their new sneakers and new shirts. However last week when it was the last week of summer vacation for them, it was cold and overcast...this week, sunny and in the 90s so they couldn't wear their new jeans.

I'm busy at the gym getting ready for the school year session to begin and we have open house and swim team registration as well this week. Busy, busy!

Take care and I'll update next week when Keegan goes to school!


Thursday, August 19, 2010

Summer is almost over!

We can't believe summer is ending! We had a quick visit to Erie last weekend. We spent some time at the zoo and with family and friends. Keegan had a blast looking at all the buses at EMTA. He has an obsession with buses so he was so excited to be the "bus driver." The kids had fun and the weather was nice.

Carey had her appointment with the orthopaedic surgeon this week. I'm finding that the only thing he and rheumotologist agree on is that she has CRMO. We have the leg length discrepancy which she's had now for a few years as I had her looked at by a different ortho back in 2007. This ortho says there is no discrepancy or if there is one, it's very little. But her other doctor wants to keep an eye on it because according to him, it's nearing the point where if the discrepancy is any bigger, she might need orthotics or look into stopping growth in the other leg. Sigh. And the ortho can't understand why she still limps and I said the other doctor thinks she might have arthritis in that ankle but he said he didn't know why he would think that. Sigh again. But she limps more in the morning, never says it hurts, it's just stiff and it loosens up by lunch time and is she almost rarely limps when the weather is extremely hot (like when we were in HHI). People with joint issues experience the same thing and with family histories of arthritis and childhood arthritis, I think the rheumo is right.

Carey is becoming quite the golfer. Her instructor said she's progressing really well and will be ready for tournaments next summer but there aren't many around here so we'd have to travel for those. Andy took her to the private lesson and talked with her instructor and Andy said she's getting really good and since Andy is the golfer in the family and would know if she's good, I'm excited she's enjoying the sport and improving. She does have a local tourney on September 18th. She's nervous to do it but she'll be fine.

Keegan starts school in September. Two days a week, he's going to love it. Hopefully they can get this potty training going for him since he shows little interest in it at home.

Emma is struggling a bit with gymnastics and fear. She has fears about certain skills and knowing very well that a little fear is normal but when it begins to hold you back that's not good, I'm concerned. I've had discussions with her coaches and there is a gymnastics speaker coming to the gym to talk to the parents and gymnasts about fear and other topics in competitive gymnastics so that should be helpful. Emma is really good and it's frustrating to her, us and her coaches that her talent isn't blossoming because she's holding back. Hopefully we can work through it with her.

School is just around the corner and we aren't ready! We've got to get the back packs and schedules in order and get a few clothes to begin the year with. I typically don't buy a bunch of fall clothes right now because it doesn't get cold here until November. And Emma seems to grow every year around this time so by the time she's ready to wear the clothes, she's grown out of them already!

Take care everyone! I'll blog again on the first day of school!
