Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Happy 10th Birthday Carey!

Nothing like having cake for breakfast on your's now one of our favorite traditions!

Monday, September 28, 2009

We welcome Fall!

We are happy Fall is now here...our favorite time of year. The kids have started school, Keegan has begun gymnastics, we have a new cat named Delilah and Lily our dog is putting up with her. Jenn is busy with all the kids activities and Andy is working a lot. We'll be having a visit from Grandma Patty soon which we are looking forward to and Melissa and Dylan will be visiting from N.C. Halloween weekend.
Speaking of Halloween, the kids have decided on their costumes...Carey a nerdy boy w/her friend Shelby and Emma a zombie bride with Shelby's sister Ashley. Keegan is undecided and the girls want Lily to be a princess.
Carey is continuing with her physical therapy 3x a week and swim season has also begun. That should help strengthen that leg! She's having some dental problems right now (yes, can we add that to her other health problems this year) and tomorrow we will see the dentist again to hopefully figure out why her cheek is so swollen on the side where she's getting her 12 year molars (yes she's only 9 and she already has 12 year molars in!) Emma is competing as a Level 4 in gymnastics this year. She also is on the Hershey swim team w/Carey and plays recreational soccer...she's one busy 1st grader. Keegan is talking up a storm and said "Care" for the first time today. Carey was getting worried he'd never say her name as he says everyone's name including the cat and dog!!
I hope this blog will keep everyone up to date on what is happening with our family. Since most of our friends and family don't live near us, this is an easy way to keep everyone posted and much better than my verizon page I had but couldn't get to work the way I wanted it to!
Much love,
Jenn, Andy and the kids