Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Snow, gymnastics and swimming

Yes, we got snow! About 2 feet and then got another 12 inches on top of that a few days later. I have to say they did a lot better at plowing this time...the last major storm back in February 2003 had us snowed in for days. I think it started snowing on Friday and we didn't see a plow until 10 pm Monday. This time around, the plow actually came through multiple times! The girls had fun playing it the snow, more Carey than Emma. She gets cold too quickly.

Well, Emma qualified for States this past weekend (I don't know why she's sticking her tongue out in this picture). Both she and I were nervous. I've never seen her that nervous...she knew what she needed to score and by the time she got to her 3rd event beam, she knew she had to do that dismount or she wasn't going as she got a lower vault score than her usual and bars was a mess. She rocked it out, did her dismount and medaled on beam w/an 8.35. Then it came down to floor and she need a 7.3 to qualify. She is inconsistent on her round off backhandspring so I told the coach to spot her since she was getting lower scores doing the skill by herself than she was at the beginning of the season w/the spot because she does it so sloppy. I knew she'd be close and had to do all the other elements beautifully and she did...she got a 7.8! So we'll be in Allentown March 6th for States. She was so happy! When they gave her the card w/all her scores and all-around she looked right over at me w/a big smile knowing she qualified.

Swim season comes to a close next weekend. The girls have been battling colds and then we all got a yucky stomach virus so that wiped them out so they haven't been swimming too well. Hopefully they'll be healthy for divisionals and get some good times.

Carey had her infusion treatment on the 9th. She is so bored there, even though she got a bunch of activities from her swimming teammates to make the time pass quicker, she is very grumpy and doesn't talk alot. She just watches DVDs and plays her DS.

Keegan has been talking a lot more and counts to five...actually he can count to 12 but only if I say one # then he says the next. He knows "circle" and know the color red. He gets so excited when he sees other boys and loves to rough house w/them. We went over Beth's Superbowl Sunday and John had his cars out w/the track and Keegan sat there for the longest time playing with them. He's also obsessed with buses. Papa Mike will have to take him to EMTA when we visit this summer...he'll be in his glory! We definitely need to get him more "boy" things to play with at home. The pink Rose Petal Cottage is cute and he does play baby with his sisters but he really likes to smack the hockey stick around and play cars. Luckily he has a birthday coming up and I've already spied a soccer goal and loud sounding cars.

I'll give you an update on how Emma does at States and how both girls do at Divisionals for swimming. We are looking forward to having a break from's only about a month break but it will be nice to only have to run to gymnastics during the week and no swim meets or gymnastics meets on Saturdays!

Take care!